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Our Mission Statement

Empowering Christians to achieve financial transformation; applying biblical wisdom throughout your financial journey.

At Rise Above Finance, our goal is to help you establish, reach, and maintain financial goals that are guided by the principles and wisdom found in Scripture. It is our conviction that all of our possessions—including money—belongs to God, and we have been entrusted with this wealth in order to carry out our calling from God in bringing forth His Kingdom.

Rise Above Finance was created to help Christians take action in achieving extraordinary transformation through realigning their finances to their values and purpose.


The Rise Above Process

The Rise Above Process integrates the best practices in financial account management with the essential work of aligning our intentions and actions with Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

A Giving Mentality

To have a Giving Mentality is to exhibit a new outlook on your wealth: that all that you have—your gifts, your talents, your very life, and of course, your money—belongs to God. 

About: About
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